Advancing Neurosurgical Frontiers A journey with the Gamma Knife at the National University of Malaysia

Advancing Neurosurgical Frontiers A journey with the Gamma Knife at the National University of Malaysia
Join us for the Luncheon Symposium on Feb 24, 2024, at 12:00 PM onwards! Explore “Advancing Neurosurgical Frontiers: A journey with the Gamma Knife at the National University of Malaysia – From treatment center inception to transformative contributions in medical research and healthcare.”
Keynote Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Neurosurgery from UKM Gamma Knife, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Special thanks to Moderator Asst. Prof. Dr. Areeporn Chonhenchob, Neurosurgeon at Vajira Hospital.
Discover the transformative journey from inception to groundbreaking contributions in research and healthcare.
#rcnst2024 ABEX Global Healthcare
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