ALBA 4D is a radiative technology unit consisting of a phased array of 4 waveguide applicators working at 70 MHz. ALBA 4D generates 4 RF digitally synthesized phase coherent signals independently controlled both in amplitude and phase. Varying these parameters allows a dynamic constructive interference of the 4 radiated electromagnetic fields to focus the energy at depth in the target area inside the patient.
Dynamic Steering
Varying the power acts on the intensity of the emitted radiation and, consequently, on the temperatures reached: as the power increases, the temperature increases. Varying the phase of each applicator acts on the position of the focus, which is changed according to target location.
The heart of the technological innovation of the ALBA 4D system is the RF power supply and control system designed specifically for deep oncological hyperthermia applications to guarantee high performance in terms of reliability and stability of the focus position during the entire session.
- Cervical cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Vulva cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Rectal cancer
- Bladder cancer NMI
- Bladder cancer MI
- Soft tissue sarcoma
- Prostate cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Pediatric tumors
- Peritoneal Carcinomatosi
According to ESHO (European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology) guidelines dosimetry must be based only on temperature measurements during the treatment, that is by means of thermometric probes positioned in the patient.ALBA 4D is equipped with a real-time dosimetry system, which is positioned in the natural cavities of the pelvic region.
- Numerous multi-point temperature probes;
- Miniature optical E-fi eld sensor for an in-vivo optimization of the treatment setting (optional);
ALBA 4D can be provided with a hyperthermia treatment planning software PLAN2HEAT in continuous development in collaboration with AMC. The goal is to find the optimal setting to maximize the power deposition in the target area while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue.
PLAN2HEAT is able to calculate the power absorption, the consequent temperature distribution and the optimized setting in a 3D patient-specific anatomy model generated from CT/MRI DICOM.
PLAN2HEAT can also be used for on-line temperature-based hyperthermia treatment to assist in eff ective phase-amplitude steering to improve tumor temperature, without inducing treatment-limiting hot spots in normal tissue.
An extension of PLAN2HEAT quantifi es the eff ect of combined radiation therapy and hyperthermia in terms of equivalent dose distributions (Tool development in progress).
Bed movement
Manual positioning of the bed allows for an easy and comfortable patient preparation and fast emergency patient removal
The ventilation system is composed of 4 fans which can be regulated for the comfort of the patient during treatment.
Antenna moving
The vertical movement of the gantry and the conversion of the antennae towards the patient allow the system to easily adapt to diff erent patient sizes.
Water bolusCooling system
2 water bolus filled with circulating distilled water are independently and remotely thermo-regulated. They lie between the patient and the antennas both for signal coupling and superficial cooling.
Quick disconnecting couplings
Directly located on the patient bed eliminate accidental misconnections and create cleaner, faster, safer bolus connection.
The multichannel thermometric system consists in multi-point probes containing 0.5/1 cm spaced thermocouples. The signals generated by the thermocouples are acquired and digitalized in a compact thermometer integrated in the bed structure allowing a ergonomic and functional management of the probes before, during and after treatment.
ALBA 4D is equipped with sensors which automatically detect and record the position of the gantry and antennas. Gantry and antenna positions are also shown on screen to guide the operator in the patient positioning phase.
Positioning System
ALBA 4D is the only device equipped with an embedded laser pointing system for optimal CRANIO-CAUDAL, DORSO-VENTRAL and LATERAL patient positioning.
This allows for both the reproducibility of the antennas/patient positioning throughout all the treatments, as well as the collimation of the antennas/patient block with the PLAN2HEAT simulation software.
ALBA data management system
The ALBA Data Management system off ers an integrated data management solution wich allows the import of patient personal data as DICOM Worklist and the export of treatment reports in PDF.
Integration with Radiotherapy PACS system
The ALBA 4D software is designed to be fully integrated with the radiotherapy PACS systems in order to introduce hyperthermia into the radiotherapy workfl ow from treatment planning to treatment more easily.
Quality assurance
The ALBA 4D system is equipped with an AMC ESHO-approved quality assurance kit consisting in a tissue equivalent phantom and a LED matrix to control the deposition of the system’s electromagnetic power and the focus steering capability.
These will ultimately guarantee an optimal system performance over time.
Site planning
A standard ALBA 4D treatment unit consists of a RF shielded treatment room an operator console, a technical room and a changing room.
A site planning guide is provided to help with the layout of the environment which will host ALBA 4D. Our designers are available to optimize the space in order to guarantee both the respect of safety rules for patients and operators and the compliance with hyperthermia unit workfl ow within the RT